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2021.03.17 Article




Taiwan Gets Creative with Pineapples After China Ban | Engoo Daily News

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Taiwan Gets Creative with Pineapples After China Ban

Following a trade dispute with China, people across Taiwan are finding new ways to include pineapples in traditional dishes in an attempt to support the country’s farmers.


dispute [noun]
A disagreement, especially one that lasts a long time.

attempt [noun]
An act of trying to do something.
ex) This is his second attempt at passing the exam.

China banned the import of Taiwanese pineapples on March 1, saying it was concerned about pests. So Taiwanese President Tsai lng-wan asked citizens on social media to “Eat Taiwan’s pineapples until you burst,” to help the island’s farmers.


pest [noun]
A living thing that causes harm to food, crops, etc.
ex) This substance is very useful against common garden pests.

Chef like Hung Ching Lung, who owns a restaurant in Taipei, quickly made new dishes with the fruit. Hung said he and his team spent three days testing ways to add pineapple to the restaurant’s beef noodle soup recipe.

“The first time we tested it when we cooked in the soup, it was very sweet,” he said. After 13 tries, he and his team got it right, Hung said.

Restaurants across the island have done the same, creating dishes like pineapple shrimp balls and fried rice with pineapple.

China says the ban was not politically motivated, with Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office saying that safety was the reason for the decision. However, Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called the move unfair.

A day after ban started, Taiwanese premier Su Tseng-chang said that the amount of pineapple business and citizens in Taiwan had bought was more than the amount that would have sold to China.

“We are all trying to find a way to help the farmers,” said Alice Tsai, who visited Hung’s restaurant. She said she felt “very touched” after seeing that all the pineapples at her local supermarket were sold out.

Annually, Taiwan produces about 420,000 metric tons of pineapples, almost 10% of which are sold to China.


If you could eat only one type of fruit for rest of your life, what would it be? Why?

I would eat a strawberry for rest of my life. Because I love this. It is not only easy to eat on count, but also sweet. Actually, I don’t like sweet foods, but the strawberry is except. So I eat this if I could eat only one type of fruit for rest of my life.



I would like to eat a strawberryies for the rest of my life because I love this. them! It is They’re not only easy to eat or count, but they’re also sweet. Actually, I don’t like sweet foods, but the strawberry is exception, so I would eat this if I could eat only one type of fruit for the rest of my life.

I would like to wat strawberries for the rest of my life because I love them! They’re not only easy to eat or count, but they’re also sweet. Actually, I don’t like sweet food, but strawberry is an exception, so I would eat this if I could wat only one type of fruit roe the rest of my life.

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