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2021.03.15 Article




Website Maps Japan's Noisy Neighbors | Engoo Daily News

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Website Maps Japan’s Nosiy Neighbors

Nobody likes noisy neighbors — but one Japanese website is trying to make sure people never have to deal with them in the first place with the Dorozoku Map.

The world dorozoku means “street tribe,” and refers to children who paly in the streets as if they were parks, although the world and also be used to refer to anyone who noisy in public.


tribe [noun]
A small community of people who share the same language, culture, leader, ect.
Ex) Member of the tribe are performing a traditional dance.

-> refer to someone/somthing
To talk or write about someone or something

The map, released by DQN Today, uses colorful circles to show places with the most noise problems. Complaints include babies crying, elementary school children playing and even adults talking too much.

For example, one complaint in Hachinohe, Aomori prefecture says: “The road and the apartment’s parking lot have become a children’s playground, like a park.”


prefecture [noun]
A political region or local goverment area in some contries, for example Japan, France, and Italy

political [adjective]
Relating to politics

The map was created in 2016, and now has information on more than 6,000 locations across the country — more than half or them in the area around Tokyo.

It was created by a man in his 40s who has asked not to be named. He told The Asahi Shimbun that he had problems working from home after children started playing in the street in front of the place where he used to live. He said started the map to help people choose good place to live.

Users can report noisy areas by filling in a form on the website, which is then checked before being pubilshed.

However, som people aren’t happy to find out they have been included. A children’s care facility in Tokyo told The Asahi Shimbun it didn’t know it was in the map, and had been open for more than five years without any complaints from the community.



Do you live in a noisy area?
I live in noisy area. However, it’s means not outside from my house. The up-stair neighbor makes some noise. I anticipate their children are runnig in home. Therefore, I always use earphone to get away noise. This is beause why I don’t like to live in apartment.



I live in noisy area. However, it’s I don’t means that the noise comes from not outside from my the house. The My upstair neighbors makes some a lot of noise. I anticipate guess their children are always runnig around in the home. Therefore Because of this, I always use earphones to get away block out the noise. This is beause why I don’t like to living in an apartment.

I live in a noisy area. However, I don’t mean that the noise comes from outside the house. My upstair neighbors make a lot of noise. I guess their children always run around the house. Because of this, I always use earphones to block out the noise. This is why I don’t like living in an apartment.

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