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2021.03.22 Aricle




Vitamins and Supplements May Not Improve Your Health | Engoo 데일리뉴스

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Vitamins and Supplements May Not Improve your Health

Taking supplements may seem like an easy way to improve your health, but research from Johns Hopkins Medicine has found that most of them may not actually make a difference.

A 2019 analysis examined 277 trials involving more than 992,000 people from around the world. The data included 16 vitamins or other supplements and looked at their links to death and cardiovascular conditions such as heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.


cardiovascular [ad]
Relating to the heart and blood vessels
Ex) Smoking increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.


While the researchers found that most supplements didn’t cause any harm, they also were not linked to a reduced risk of death or developing a cardiovascular condition. The supplements that were examined include multivitamins, iron, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E, among others.


harm [noun]

hurt or damage

The researchers did find two supplements that were slightly beneficial, however.

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements were linked to an 8% reduction in heart attack risk and 7% reduction in heart disease risk, compared to those who didn’t take the supplements.

Folic acid was linked to a 20% reduced risk of stroke. However, the researchers said that studies showing the greatest impact of folic acid were in China, where foods such as cereals and grains don’t have added folic acid like they do in the US. They said that folic acid supplements may only benefit those who don’t get enough from their diet.


folic acid [noun]

a vitamin, found in the leaves of plants and in liver, that is needed by the body for the production of red blood cells


grain [noun]

a seed from types of grass that are eaten as food.

The researchers also found that taking vitamin D and calcium together in one supplement was connected to a 19% increased stroke risk. When taken alone, however, there was no link to any health risks, but there wasn’t a link to any benefits either.

“People should focus on getting their nutrients from a heart-healthy diet,” said Erin D. Michos, senior author of the analysis. She said that the data increasingly shows that most healthy adults don’t need to take supplements.


increasingly [adverb]

more and more


Ex) The sport is becoming increasingly popular.

A 2013 analysis from Johns Hopkins also that multivitamins didn’t reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, mental decline, or early death.


Do you prefer exercising at home, at the gym, or outdoor? Why?

I prefer exercising at home. I think when I go to the gym, people who work out for a long time see and tell me about my wrong positions. I know it is good for me but I’m so embarrassed. This is the reason why I prefer exercising at home.



I prefer exercising at home. I think when I go to the gym, people who have been working out for a long time can see and tell me about my wrong positions. I know it is good for me but I’m will be so embarrassed if they do that. This is the reason why I prefer exercising at home.

I perfer exercising at home. I think when I go to the gym, people who have been working out for a long time can see and tell me about my wrong positions. I know it is good for me but I wll be so embarrassed if they do that. This is the reason I perfer exercising at home.

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