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2021.03.24 Article



What Annoys or Irritates You Most? | Engoo Daily News

There are countless types of anger, and English has words for many of them. Here are some words you can use to say exactly how angry you feel.


What Annoys or Irritates You Most?

There are countless types of anger, and English has words for many of them. Here are some words you can use to say exactly how angry you feel.


countless [adjective]
a great number, or too many to be counted.
ex) There are a countless number of stars in the sky.

When something happens that makes you a little angry, you can say you’re “annoyed” or “irritated.” And you can say the person or thing that made you feel this way is “annoying” or “irritating.”

For example, if your neighbors were playing loud music while you were trying to study, you could say to your mom, “The next-door neighbors are so irritating. I’m trying to work but I can’t because of the noise. I’m so annoyed!”

When you are more than annoyed, you can say you feel “mad.” Mad sometimes means “insane,” but it can be used to say you’re angry too. Another word you can use to tell people you are angry is “cross,” which is more common in UK.

Your mom might say to you, “The neighbors never think about other people. I don’t like to get cross with people, but they make me so mad sometimes.”

So what can you say when you are very, very angry? You can say you are “furious,” or even “livid.” And you can call the thing making you feel furious or livid, “infuriating.”

You could say to your mom, “Remember when the neighbors had that party on a Wednesday night and we had a flight the next morning? That was infuriating — and you were livid!”


what usually helps you feel better when you are angry?

When I feel anger, I usually count the number 1 to 10 in my mind. Because I read an article which said the emotion about anger is disappearing at 90 seconds in our brain, just we remind that situation. So I count the numbers and do exercising.

When I feel angerry, I usually count the number from 1 to 10 in my mind. Because I read an article which that saidys the emotions, about like anger, is disappearing at in 90 seconds in our brain, just we I was reminded of that situation, so when I’m angry, I count from 1 to 10 the numbers and do some exercisinges.

When I feel angry, I usually count from 1 to 10 in my mind. Because I read an article that says emotions, like anger, disappear in 90 seconds in our brain, I was reminded of that, so when I’m angry, I count from 1 to 10 and do some exercises.

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